
Deutsche Kommission für Lack und Karosserieinstandsetzung
(German Committee for Standards in Paint and Bodywork)
In 2005, the German Committee for Standards in Paint and Bodywork was established at the Allianz Center for Technology. This commission composes representatives from all the areas involved in accident repair, and, in the light of new technological challenges, it is aimed at ensuring the ability to take action on the part of all those involved in the accident repair business in the future as well. To this end, the German Committee for Standards in Paint and Bodywork puts forward recommendations for action which serve as the basis for professional and economically viable accident repair. You can find the various resolutions and recommendations, broken down according to topic, in the download area.
The German Committee for Standards in Paint and Bodywork comprises the following members:
- Bundesverband der freiberuflichen und unabhängigen Sachverständigen für das Kraftfahrzeugwesen e.V. (BVSK)
- Bundesverband Farbe, Bundesfachgruppe Fahrzeuglackierer (BFL)
- Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV) and: Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Generali Deutschland AG
- Verband der Deutschen Lack- und Druckfarbenindustrie e.V. (VdL) – Arbeitskreis Autoreparaturlacke
- Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA), represented by: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), MAN Truck & Bus SE, Opel Automobile GmbH, Volkswagen AG
- Verband der Internationalen Kraftfahrzeughersteller e.V. (VDIK) and: Honda Motor Europe Ltd, Renault Deutschland AG
- Verband der Technischen Überwachungs-Vereine e.V. (VdTÜV), represented by: TÜV Süd AG
- Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe e. V. (ZDK)
- Zentralverband Karosserie- und Fahrzeugtechnik e.V. (ZKF)
- AZT Automotive GmbH
- Autovista Group International AG / Schwacke GmbH
- Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT)
- IRS Holding GmbH / Hagelschadenzentrum Douteil GmbH
- KTI Kraftfahrzeugtechnisches Institut und Karosseriewerkstätte GmbH & Co. KG
- Schaden-Schnell-Hilfe GmbH (SSH)
- Solera Holdings Inc. / Audatex AUTOonline GmbH
Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (German Road Safety Council)
As a member of the German Road Safety Council, AZT plays an active role in the committees "Adults" and "Vehicle technology", with regard to, amongst other things, the preparation of position papers.
Moreover, AZT cooperates with the DVR within the scope of various road-safety campaigns, such as the "Willi Weitzel hat´s geschnallt" or the "Schon gewusst? - der tote Winkel" campaigns.

The Allianz Center for Technology is a founding member of RCAR. RCAR is a global association consisting of various insurance-related research centers, which contribute to greater road safety, better theft protection, higher repairability and improved crash performance. At present, 22 centers in 18 countries across five continents are RCAR members. (

Since 2023, AZT has been a member of PAVE Europe, a joint initiative of various companies that aims to bring the discussion about automated vehicles to the public so that everyone can play a role in shaping our future. PAVE aims to raise public awareness of both what is on the roads today and what is possible in the future. (PAVE Europe | PAVE Campaign)