Consulting for vehicle manufacturers
Consulting. Based on experience: Consulting for vehicle manufacturers

German motor insurance companies use a so-called type classification system to calculate the insurance premiums for motor vehicle liability and comprehensive insurance.
The type classes reflect the claims and accident statistic of each vehicle model registered in Germany. The type class is therefore the most important information that insurance companies take into account when calculating insurance premiums, ahead of other tariff features. The lower the average claims costs of a vehicle model, the lower the type class and the lower the insurance premium will be.
But how do you get to a type class for a new vehicle model for which you cannot draw on past experience?
For models that are new to the market, the expected repair costs for comprehensive insurance are determined on the basis of crash tests that were developed under the leadership of the AZT. Through cooperation with insurance-financed repair research centers worldwide, standards have been created that are now used not only in Germany, but in many other markets around the world.
Thanks to decades of experience in working with both the German Insurance Association (GDV) and numerous vehicle manufacturers, AZT is an extremely competent and reliable partner in all aspects of vehicle type classification.
Depending on the respective project status at a vehicle manufacturer, all of our experience flows into our customized consulting services. Our services include crash performance, repair and costing, claims management, statistical analyses, theft protection, market standards and benchmarking.
Vehicle manufacturers benefit from the following AZT competencies in our consulting packages:
- Detailed expertise on the German insurance classification and type class system
- Comprehensive knowledge of the automotive and insurance market
- Over 50 years of experience in crash testing and repair research
- Individual consulting tailored to the customer's specific needs
If you have any questions about the AZT's consulting services, please contact azt (at)