October 2023
What data does my car store? Who has access to it? What are the risks involved? And what benefits do I actually have as a consumer when I share my vehicle data? These are all relevant questions that are becoming even more important because of the recently passed EU Data Act and these questions have been discussed at the 11th Allianz Autotag at AZT.
As already established in previous years, the Allianz Motor Day again took place as a combination of on-site event at AZT and an online stream. In the first part, which was mainly aimed at the audience in Germany, Frank Sommerfeld (CEO of Allianz Versicherungs-AG) first presented the issues facing car drivers in connection with vehicle data and the role battery data plays in determining the value of an electric vehicle. He also discussed the results of the current Allianz consumer survey on the subject of vehicle data.
Lucie Bakker (Chief Claims Officer at Allianz-Versicherungs-AG) and Christoph Lauterwasser (Managing Director AZT) then presented the potential of using vehicle data for fast and customer-oriented claims processes. Natallia Dziamchuk (expert for IT security at AZT) explained to the audience what opportunities and risks arise from the use of the smartphone as a car key (virtual key) and AZT demonstrated this use case as a live demo.
Frank Sommerfeld (CEO Allianz Versicherungs-AG)
Lucie Bakker (Chief Claims Officer at Allianz Versicherungs-AG)
Christoph Lauterwasser (Managing Director AZT )
Natallia Dziamchuk (Expert for IT Security at AZT)
After a short break, Claudia Bechstein, the moderator of the event, opened the second, international part of the event. In a keynote speech, Klaus-Peter Röhler (Member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE) explained the importance of the EU Data Act for the handling of vehicle data and its future significance for consumers and companies. In the following panel discussion, the main topic of the event "Car Data - My Decision?" was discussed by various experts from the automotive, regulatory and insurance sectors.
Klaus-Peter Röhler (Member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE)
Panel discussion from l. to r.: Klaus Heimgärtner (Lawyer Consumer Law at ADAC), Susan Sahl Poynor (Global Head of Product Management and Innovation, Allianz Partners), Frank Schlehuber (Senior Consultant Market Affairs, CLEPA), Sarah Kinzler (In-House Lawyer at FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH), Norbert Dohmen (CEO Caruso GmbH), Christoph Lauterwasser (Managing Director AZT ), Claudia Bechstein (moderator)
At the end of the international part, Lucie Bakker had another special task: After 16 years as Managing Director of AZT, Christoph Lauterwasser will hand over to his successor Christian Sahr at the turn of the year. A special setting for this announcement, after all, many of Christoph Lauterwasser's companions were present in the audience.
Lucie Bakker announces change of managing director at AZT at the end of the year
Afterwards, the guests present on site had the opportunity to view the exhibition in the outdoor area of AZT and to inform themselves about various offers and products in connection with the topic of vehicle data. At this point, we would like to express our special thanks to our exhibitors, who made a significant contribution to ensuring that the topics of the Motor Day could be experienced on site.
Exhibitors at 11th Allianz Motor Day
A recording of the event and press material (including speeches by the participating Allianz board members and press releases on the topic) can be accessed via the following link:
11th Allianz Motor Day - Live and Digital! | Allianz Deutschland (techcast.cloud)